Bucks County Row Offices Endorsed Candidates
For Prothonotary:
Northampton Township’s own Michelle Christian is the endorsed candidate for Prothonotary. Michelle, her husband, and two sons and she has been active in the community for more than 14 years.
As an attorney, she knows what is needed to modernize and streamline the antiquated methods of the Prothonotary Office which handles all civil and legal filings in the County. She is committed to implementing online filing, credit card processing and a host of other current-century processes that will make the Prothonotary more friendly to the needs of busy residents.
Learn more about Michelle Christian for Prothonotary by clicking here!
For Sheriff:
Edward J “Duke” Donnelly is running for re-election as the County’s Sheriff. Duke is a Northampton resident and active in the community. He has weathered unfounded attacks on his professionalism and character brought about by disgruntled special interest groups.
From serving civil process to handling prisoners going through the court system, the Bucks County Sheriff’s Office provides an array of services that are essential to our community.
For District Attorney: Dave Heckler
For Controller: Ray McHugh
For Recorder of Deeds: Joe Szafran