P Murphy
Go to “WheresMyWaiver.com” to apply…
The number of waivers the Obama administration has awarded for a provision of the year-old healthcare reform law grew by 128 in March. With the new waivers, that means 1,168 businesses, insurers, unions and other organizations have received one-year exemptions from a healthcare reform provision requiring at least $750,000 in annual benefits. The administration says…
Read MoreOpen Letter to Bucks Voters in Paper…
An Open Letter To Patrick Murphy And The Voters Of Bucks County By MARK AFFLECK, For The Philadelphia Bulletin Monday, July 12, 2010 Comments (1) According to the latest Rasmussen poll, 56 percent of likely voters rate Congressional performance as poor and only 12 percent of likely voters give Congress a rating of good or…
Read MoreDrilling Moratorium: Murphy Mum AGAIN!!!
The contrast is stunning! Across the Delaware River in Trenton, the fresh face and straight talk of Governor Chris Christie leaves no doubt in the minds of New Jersey citizens about where he stands on any issue of substance. As a result, he is on the verge of closing a budget gap of $11 BILLION…
Read MoreMurphy Ally Waxman Eats His Words on Obama(doesn’t)Care
Shortly after President Obama signed the health overhaul law, several major corporations reported it would take a bite out of their future earnings. This group included AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere, Verizon and several other large employers. Convinced these businesses were cooking their books to cast the new law in a bad light, House Energy and…
Read MoreSmall Victory: Orzag Forced to Resign as Economy Continues to Sputter!!
White House budget director Peter Orszag, a top lieutenant on President Obama’s economic team, will be leaving his post next month, administration officials said Monday. Orszag, 41, the first senior cabinet official to resign, helped steer the $787 billion economic stimulus bill through Congress. While perhaps a small victory for conservatives and pragmatic people across…
Read MoreMurphy Votes NO to Sale of Excess Federal Property
Patrick Murphy PA, D-08 voted against selling $15,000,000,000.00 (Yea BILLIONs) in Excess Federal Property: Sell Excess Federal Property Potential savings of up to $15 billion The Office of Management and Budget estimated in 2007 that the federal government is holding $18 billion in real property that it does not need. Rather than selling this property,…
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