GOP Pancake Breakfast – It’s GRRRREEEAAATT!!
Well over 200 people turned out for a hearty spring breakfast yesterday to meet the GOP Candidates as well as Local, State & Federal Officials in a casual, neighborly get together at the Northampton Senior Center.
Starting at 8am and running through to almost Noon, Northampton residents were able to use the Spring Thaw to renew old friendships as well as start new ones with Neighbors from across the Township and beyond.
Starting with newly elected/re-elected Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, the breakfast visitors included State Senator Tommy Tomlinson, State Representative Scott Petri, County Officials Commissioners Charley Martin and Rob Loughery, as well as CoronerJoe Campbell, Sheriff Edward “Duke” Donnelly, Clerk of Courts Mary Smithson, Prothonotaray Pat Bachtele, Supervisors Eileen Silver & George Komelasky.
Current Supervisor and Candidate Vincent Deon was leader along with an intrepid group who ran the kitchen as a Clean Machine putting out the delicious delights of Pancakes and related sides for all to enjoy.
Other candidates in attendance included Don Petrillo for Register of Wills, Judicial candidates Judge James McMasters – Court of Common Pleas, Bucks County and Judge Ann Covey for PA Court of Common Pleas.
Council Rock School Board Directors and Candidates Patty Sexton, Wendy Thomas and Jerry Grupp were also part of the Breakfast Bunch.
Most commonly heard comment of the morning – “We need to do this again…”!
As usual, we welcome your participation. Any group is only as strong and responsive as it’s members. If you would like to join us, drop a comment here on the website or contact your neighborhood committee woman or man now (so you don’t forget!)