Meeting Rudeness

OR: Dems in Action

Here’s a copy of the text of a letter sent to the Letters To The Editor section of The Bucks County Courier Times the other day by one neighbors. It may or may not be published there, but we are publishing it here, just in case!

It deals with the writer’s experiences at the recent (July 8, 2009) Board of Supervisors Meeting.

Last evening I attended the Northampton Township Supervisors’ meeting.

The behavior of some of our citizens is inexcusable. Every issue is an argument.

The candidates who speak at the microphone say the same untruths at every meeting. They feel that if they say the lies enough, the public will believe them.

The audience is rude and embarrassing.  Some of our own supervisors have forgotten that they were elected for all of Northampton, not just the few that come every meeting speaking their untruths, exaggerations and attacks.

When the supervisors try to have meaningful debates about the issues that affect us, they are yelled at, personal attacks are said and the same untruths are repeated over and over again.  I went to last night’s meeting because I wanted to hear about the property on Second Street Pike.
I was sitting next to a young man and we were talking about the Miracle League, the agenda and other issues. An older woman made him move. I was the enemy.

I was so upset by their behavior that I could not stay.  I have never seen people react to people about politics like this.

We are all Americans, Pennsylvanians, and the citizenry of Northampton Township. Our leaders are good people with good intentions.

If someone else wants to be running our government, they need to campaign, bring out how they can improve what we have and run. They need not make up lies, being rude and raucous and acting like the only reason they are there is to disturb our government.

Thank you,
Eileen Silver
80 Windy Knoll Drive
Richboro, PA

EDITOR”s Comment: You may not be old enough to remember, but the same political tactics were used in the Cold War by the Communists, starting with the Soviet Union. The USA was labeled as the “Enemy of Democracy” and worse on a regular basis.

Even today, totalitarian governments like the Iranians and Militant Moslem terrorist groups label the USA as “The Great Satan”.

Don’t believe everything you hear, either!

NOTE: We have a section dedicated to Letters to the Editors, with several from past events. If you would like to be sure that your letter gets published on this website, submit a copy here. It is a copy-and-paste exercise that anyone familiar with a word processor should be able to do easily.

If you have problems contact one of our Committee members. They and their contact information is listed under the “Committee” link at the top of every page.

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