Political Reporting
The following Letter to the Editor appeared in the Bucks County Courier Times recently. We think its author, Mr. John Chandler of Holland, should be commended for his insight and ability to express his thoughts clearly and succinctly in writing.
Regarding the Dec. 1 story, “Early budget vote excludes Democrats:”
I believe your reporting was a complaint against the Republicans on the board playing politics. What about Rothermel and his rubber-stamp colleague Cunningham? They voted not to pass the preliminary budget, and in the process tried to pressure the chairman to agree to a practice normally attended to at the board’s annual reorganization meeting at the beginning of each year. No politics there?
Rothermel and Cunningham withheld confirmation of a resolution to allow an on-lot sewage system on a property owned by the wife of the Northampton Bucks County Municipal Authority chairman, although evidence was presented that direct access to sanitary sewers is unavailable to the property. No politics there? From my point of view, the only politics seems to be in the reporting.
John Chandler, Holland