Reclaim Day: Vote Republican!
Today is Election Day 2010. Polls are open from 6:00 am until 8:00 pm.
The weather forecast is good and the best time to vote is at the slack times: Between 9:00 and 11:00 am, 1:00Â and 4:00 pm and 7:00 until 8:00 pm.
The busy times to avoid, if at all possible, are opening time, lunch time and after work.
If you are unsure of the location of your Polling place, check the list of Polling places by CLICKING HERE ( or the reduced size map of the Township Voting Districts
If you need a ride to the polls call your District Committeeman or Committee Woman (CLICK HERE TO SEE LIST) and they will help insure you can get there to cast your vote.
By voting, you will help the Republicans keep or reclaim important elected offices and help us reclaim jobs and the economy!
Every vote counts!!!