Vote November 5th: The TRUTH Matters in Northampton
The mailboxes have been full of campaign materials. Ultimately, each one of us has a responsibility to make Northampton the BEST it can be. On election day, we ask that you vote for the entire Northampton Township Republican team.
Don’t be fooled again, YOU are too smart for that.
You should choose our team, Larry Weinstein & Barry Moore for SUPERVISORS, Carol Dubas for AUDITOR, Bob Borkowski for TAX COLLECTOR and Mark Byelich for CRSD DIRECTOR (REGION 6). They are known for being truthful, honest and ethical. OR, you can choose the other candidates led by the divisive and deceptive Supervisors Rothermel and Cunningham.
Our campaign literature has been based on FACT, not fiction. Our candidates have been forthright in their values, beliefs and concerns. Most importantly, they have LISTENED to you.
Our opposition for EVERY office cannot honestly make those claims. Even their own websites contradict the content of their campaign pieces. Why so? Because their content is untruthful, designed to continue to divide our Community.
Even District Attorney Dave Heckler has commented on the situation in Northampton: “I am offended by the untrue, negative attacks.”
PLEASE, join us in restoring Ethics, Integrity and Honesty in Northampton.
Vote NOVEMBER 5th for REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES who offer decency and solid solutions to the huge challenges facing our Community.