Congressman Fitzpatrick Accepting Apps for Interns
This is a terrific opportunity for young people to work in a Congressional Office as an intern. The skills developed provide a firm basis for continuing professional careers. For more information on an internship position in the Washington, D.C. office please contact Staff Assistant Steve Sandora at or 202-225-4276.
Read MoreFitzpatrick: Thanks for Support in Restoring Military Tuition Benefits
Today, Congressman Fitzpatrick (R-PA8) addressed the House thanking his colleagues who supported his Bill last week to restore military tuition benefits that the Obama Administration chose to eliminate as part of Sequestration. He also thanked those in the Senate who supported a similar measure as part of the temporary Spending Bill being considered to prevent the…
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The number of waivers the Obama administration has awarded for a provision of the year-old healthcare reform law grew by 128 in March. With the new waivers, that means 1,168 businesses, insurers, unions and other organizations have received one-year exemptions from a healthcare reform provision requiring at least $750,000 in annual benefits. The administration says…
Read MoreU. S. Senate votes to strike down 1099 requirement
After months of failing to agree on how to repeal an unpopular IRS reporting provision included in the healthcare reform act, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to strike it down Wednesday night. The Senate voted 81-17 on the 1099-reporting requirement, with 17 Democrats voting against the measure. The healthcare reform provision requires businesses to report for…
Read MoreCasey, Specter, Harry Reid Snub Voters – Kill ObamaCare Repeal Efforts
Senators struck down two amendments that would repeal provision in the 2010 health care overhaul (PL 111-148, PL 111-152) requiring businesses to file a 1099 form to the IRS for every vendor to which they pay more than $600. The first amendment, offered by Nebraska Republican Mike Johanns, would pay for the repeal with spending…
Read MoreSoviet-style Central Planning at EPA Fails – AGAIN!!
Another Failed Obama Policy… “The Obama administration Monday conceded that cellulosic ethanol producers won’t come close to hitting a congressional target to deliver 250 million gallons of fuel next year made from grasses and other vegetation not used for food.” Just because you pronounce it, doesn’t make it so… “The Environmental Protection Agency set at…
Read MoreBoehner: Weak GDP Growth Demonstrates Pressing Need to Enact Pledge to America
GOP’s Pledge Offers Clear Plans to End Uncertainty by Stopping Tax Hikes & Cutting Gov’t Spending Washington House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) responded to weak third quarter GDP data by calling for immediate enactment of the Pledge to America.
Read MoreLarry Kane Debate Part 2
Mike Fitzpatrick Vs Patrick Murphy – Round 2
Read MoreLarry Kane Debate Part 1
Mike Fitzpatrick Vs Patrick Murphy – Round 1
Read MoreWhy Mike Fitzpatrick is Running
Shame on Patrick Murphy !
From the YouTube Channel: Fitzpatrick4Congress
Read MoreMike Fitzpatrick’s Ad Hits a Home Run!
The Opening Video Ad is a gem -Vote Fitzpatrick! If you missed it on the “Tube” you can view it at your leisure below or, in a slightly larger size, directly on the website on on
Read MoreOpen Letter to Bucks Voters in Paper…
An Open Letter To Patrick Murphy And The Voters Of Bucks County By MARK AFFLECK, For The Philadelphia Bulletin Monday, July 12, 2010 Comments (1) According to the latest Rasmussen poll, 56 percent of likely voters rate Congressional performance as poor and only 12 percent of likely voters give Congress a rating of good or…
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