Twp Events
5/28/14 7:30PM Northampton TWP Supervisors’ Meeting with Patriot Flag Ceremony
Please join us this Wednesday evening for the Monthly Supervisors’ Meeting at the Township Administration Building 55 Township Rd, Richboro PA 18954. A special Patriots’ Flag Ceremony will be conducted at the beginning of the Meeting. Marine Lance Corporal Michael Moscola of Holland has deployed to Afghanistan and his mom and dad, Carol and Bill,…
Read More5/26/14 Annual Memorial Day Program 8:00AM and 9:00AM
Please join our community and recognize the brave men and women who have given their lives to protect the interests of the United States of America. At 8:00AM, there will be a flag lowering/raising ceremony in front of the 7 flag poles of the Northampton Township building located at 55 Township Rd, Richboro. Along with the…
Read MoreAnnual Scholarship Competition Underway for 2014!
NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES 2014 EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT & CITIZENSHIP $1000 SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION Deadline April 15, 2014 The Northampton Township Republican Committee, Bucks County PA, (“NTRC”) today announced the 2014 Excellence in Government & Citizenship Scholarship Competition. This is the second annual competition and will award a Northampton Township Resident Graduating Senior a $1000…
Read More1/22/2014 – Board of Supervisors Meeting 7:30PM
The regular monthly meeting of the Northampton Township Board of Supervisors will begin at 7:30PM Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at the Township Administration Building. The full agenda is available at the township website (CLICK HERE). Please plan to attend.
Read More1/6/2014 – Board of Supervisors Re-Organisation Meeting
The Annual re-Organisation meeting of the Northampton Township Board of Supervisors will begin with the swearing in of newly elected officials at 7:30PM Monday, January 6, 2014 at the Township Administration Building. Immediately following shall be the business of the Board. Please plan to attend. New Leaders and the New Leadership MAJORITY will be working…
Read More12/11/13 – Board of Supervisors Meeting: Budget Approval
The last scheduled meeting of 2013 of the Northampton Township Board of Supervisors is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 7:30PM at the Township Administration Building. Please plan to attend as the 2014 Budget will be discussed and is expected to be approved. This will be the last official act of the DEMocrat majority. CLICK HERE to review the budget posted…
Read More11/20/13 – Board of Supervisors’ Meeting & Patriots Ceremony
The Board of Supervisors’ Meeting has been changed to Wednesday November 20, 2013 to accommodate both the Thanksgiving Holiday and the requirements for the presentation of the 2014 Budget. The December meeting is scheduled for December 11th. There will be two notable events at Wednesday’s Northampton Township Supervisors public meeting starting promptly at 7:30PM: A welcome home…
Read More10/23/13 – Supervisors’ Meeting & Patriot Flag Ceremony
There will be two Patriot’s Flag Placement Ceremonies on Wednesday, October 23rd, 7:30PM. Churchville resident and deployed Marine, Lance Corporal Neil Crosby. We will place a USMC flag in the display. Marine Corporal Dan Croak will be home from his 3rd deployment on Monday and his mom and dad (Kathy & George) wish to also come Wednesday…
Read More10/7/13 – Last Day to Register to Vote in November
The deadline is rapidly approaching. Your Voter Registration must be received in Doylestown by 4:00PM on October 7, 2013. Please, if you have not already done so, REGISTER TODAY! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION! CLICK HERE FOR THE REGISTRATION FORM!
Read More9/25/13 – Supervisors’ Meeting 7:30PM
The Northampton Township Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for 7:30PM, Wednesday September 25, 2013 at the Township Building. Please make every effort to attend as there are some matters on the Agenda of great importance to ALL residents. There also seem to be a few missing. The agenda includes approval of the plans to redevelop the blighted Mill…
Read More8/28/13 7:30PM Board of Supervisors Meeting – Update
On Wednesday, August 28th at the Northampton Township Board of Supervisors meeting, 7:30PM, we will once again be placing the Navy flag representing Navy Corpsman Alexander Kozak of Churchville who will soon be deploying to Afghanistan for the second time. Corpsman Kozak is currently home on leave prior to re-deployment and will be at the ceremony with his parents to place his…
Read MoreJoin NTRC at the Middletown Grange Fair 8/14-8/18/13
The Annual Grange Fair will begin on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 and continue through Sunday Afternoon, August 18, 2013! Join the Northampton Township Republican Committee on OPENING NIGHT (8/14) as we host and staff the Bucks County Republican Display. Meet candidates, officials and others to discuss pertinent issues and concerns of the day. REAL Republicans know…
Read MoreSupervisors Honour Memory of Jim Kinney
The Northampton Township Board of Supervisors at their 7/24/2013 meeting approved in a 5-0 vote Resolution R-13-8 renaming the Northampton Senior Center to the “James E. Kinney Senior Center” in honor of his memory. As you know, Jim was a long time public servant who passed away on April 19, 2013. Jim’s tireless service to the community as…
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