Go to “WheresMyWaiver.com” to apply…

The number of waivers the Obama administration has awarded for a provision of the year-old healthcare reform law grew by 128 in March. With the new waivers, that means 1,168 businesses, insurers, unions and other organizations have received one-year exemptions from a healthcare reform provision requiring at least $750,000 in annual benefits. The administration says…

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Casey, Specter, Harry Reid Snub Voters – Kill ObamaCare Repeal Efforts

Senators struck down two amendments that would repeal provision in the 2010 health care overhaul (PL 111-148, PL 111-152) requiring businesses to file a 1099 form to the IRS for every vendor to which they pay more than $600. The first amendment, offered by Nebraska Republican Mike Johanns, would pay for the repeal with spending…

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Murphy Ally Waxman Eats His Words on Obama(doesn’t)Care

Shortly after President Obama signed the health overhaul law, several major corporations reported it would take a bite out of their future earnings. This group included AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere, Verizon and several other large employers. Convinced these businesses were cooking their books to cast the new law in a bad light, House Energy and…

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How “Single Payer” will be backdoored

Will, in effect, individuals be forced to choose between health insurance and groceries? Lost in the euphoria accompanying the recently passed Health Care bill is the effect this legislation will have on the Health Care industry. Being a good capitalist, I am not concerned with the survivability of singular companies, rather the industry as a…

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Health Town Hall Forum: This Friday Evening

Help send a clear message to Patrick Murphy and other Washington liberals that people are concerned and want our voices heard! Mike Fitzpatrick will be participating in a Health Town Hall Forum Friday evening at the Pennridge North Middle School (1500 North Fifth Street Perkasie, PA 18944) along with several area physicians. If you can…

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Fitzpatrick Visits Committee

Richboro PA — Yesterday evening, at the regular monthly meeting of our Committee, former Congressman and County Supervisor, Michael G. Fitzpatrick, stopped by to say a few words about his thoughts on the forthcoming Republican Primary election. He had announced Saturday that he was entering the race and was planning to win. He also took…

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Fitzpatrick Announces for PA 8th

Mike Fitzpatrick Commits to the Race for PA 8th Congressional Seat Langhorne PA – Mike Fitzpatrick, the former Congressman from The Eighth Pennsylvania Congressional District and Former Bucks County Commissioner announced his candidacy to reclaim his Congressional seat from Patrick Murphy at an impromptu meeting yesterday. Standing before a group of several hundred well wishers…

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BIG NEWS: Murphy Mum On Health Reform Since Nov 9!

Despite all the deals, giveaways, bribes, etc., Extremely Light (almost transparent) Congressman Patrick Murphy hasn’t spoken out with even a comment about the huge spending which will slam taxpayers of PA-08 in TWO ways: 1. The increased premiums and “out of pocket” costs which are inherent in the bill itself, and; 2. The deals which…

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Here’s a Reminder & Thought From our County Chairs, Harry & Pat! Tomorrow has been designated Code Red Rally urging people to go to DC or join locally by calling senators and Congressman “to start healthcare all over”. Hopefully, many will show up in front of Murphy’s offices in Bristol or Doylestown. Let our “Representative”…

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Without Tort Reform, There Can Be NO Health Reform!

President Obama says there is no evidence that non-economic caps on Tort Settlements work. Tell that to doctors in Texas and California. In both states where these reforms have been implemented, insurance premiums have DROPPED and medical services have increased. When will the Bucks County Media begin asking our federal Senators and Representatives why they…

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My Senator, Robert Casey & Healthcare Reform

I received an email from his office touting town hall meetings on healthcare reform in Johnstown (Jack Murtha’s district) and Lock Haven. Since they are both beyond my daily driving range, I used the “Contact Senator Casey” webpage to send my input. Eventually I believe it will get read, after they read the thousands of…

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Finally, an opportunity to REALLY improve Americans Health!

The FDA has named Dr Larry Deyton, who led the VA smoking cessation effort, to implement the new authority given the FDA to regulate tobacco. Success in this effort will do more to improve the health of millions of Americans while at the same time reducing costs by millions of dollars as well. It remains…

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